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Omega 3 Fish Oils

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Hi everyone. I am 45 years old and was diagnosed with Chrohns in 2003. I was extremely ill, in pain and I lost a lot of weight. I was in hospital for about 2 weeks. Since then I have been taking prednisolone and asacol continuously. I began to realise through painful trial and error what foods I have an intolerence too. I couldn't eat anything with yeast extract in nor spirit vinegar and citrus fruits.

However, a few years ago I started taking a 1000mg omega fish oil capsules a day. This was due to reading about omega fats and how they reduce intestinal inflammation. I am not saying that omega 3 is the be-all and end-all as of course there is no cure for Chrohns. But, for 2 years now I have had virtually no diarrhoea or mouth ulcers and I have been really well. Also, amazingly I can seemingly eat what I want which is great. I hope this post is helpful to other sufferers. Regards x
