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IBD fatigue - participants wanted

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Hi everyone,

I'm Ben, 32 years of age and have had Crohn's disease for over 10 years. I had a subtotal colectomy with ileostomy in 2017, after which I gained my PhD in work psychology.

After experiencing the debilitating effects of fatigue as a result of IBD, I have now secured funding from my employer, Nottingham Trent University, to investigate the effects of job demands (e.g. high workload) and resources (e.g. flexible working) on fatigue in people working with IBD.

I am looking for individuals over the age of 18 with an IBD diagnosis who are currently employed or have been employed within the last 12 months to participate in focus groups.

You can register by:

1) directly booking your focus group timeslot using this link: https://nbsntu.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_02RKFqJeP5guZhA

2) scanning the QR code in the poster

3) express your interest using the form on the Crohn's Colitis UK website: https://crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/get-involved/want-to-get-involved-in-research/take-part-in-research/working-with-ibd

Many thanks in advance,

Dr Ben Evans

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