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Crohns and PSC

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I have had crohns for about 5 years now with constant flare ups. To add to my worries i got diagnosed with Primary Scerosing Cholangitis about 4 months ago. Does anyone else have the same condition as i believe it only affects 1 in 26000 in the uk.

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while I don't have personal experience with PSC, I wanted to chime in and offer my support to those who do.

Living with Crohn's for the past five years has been quite the journey for me, with constant flare-ups adding to the challenges. Hearing about the additional diagnosis of PSC sounds truly tough, and I can only imagine the added worries and uncertainties it brings.

While I don't have firsthand experience with PSC, I'm here to lend an empathetic ear and offer whatever support I can.

Sending positive vibes to all those navigating the complexities of chronic conditions 🙂

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